"technology should be the ultimate equalizer, it should serve everyone's needs without an inherent bias" — VOX
// bouncer bot algorithm
let ages = [ 16, 48, 27, 17, 32, 25, 57, 35, 68 ]
for (let i = 0; i < ages.length; i++) {
if (ages[i] >= 21) {
say('Welcome to the bar!')
} else {
say('You are too young, go away!')
- to learn more about the history of Machine Learning check out Bloomberg Businessweek's documentary on The Rise of AI
- to learn more about how machine learning actually works, check out PBS Digital Studio's Crash Course: Machine Learning on YouTube.
"As AI progresses, the great promise is that these machines alongside of us are able to think, imagine and see things in ways that we never have before. Which means that maybe we have some new, weird, seemingly implausible solution to climate change, maybe we have some radically different approach to dealing with incurable cancers. The real practical and wonderful promise is that machines help us be more creative and using that creativity we get to terrific solutions." — Amy Webb
- Google predicts traffic patterns really really well based on motion sensors in our phones.
- Google uses machine learning to understand how to optimize energy use at its data centers.
- Spotiy uses machine learning to create your "discover playlist"
- "Orbitz showed higher-priced hotels to owners of Mac computers, for instance. Staples offered the same products at higher prices to people living in certain ZIP codes. Last year, we found that The Princeton Review was charging different prices for its online SAT tutoring course in different ZIP codes. In some ZIP codes, the course cost $6,600; in others that same course was offered for as much as $8,400." ..."Our analysis found that Asians were nearly twice as likely to get that higher price from The Princeton Review than non-Asians."
read more"differential pricing" algorithms on propublica- "When the Chicago Police Department sent one of its commanders to Robert McDaniel’s home last summer, the 22-year-old high school dropout was surprised." read more about predictive policing on the Verge , Bloomberg Wired and the Guardian
- This Company Uses AI To Help Lenders Automate The Mortgage Loan Process
- Some companies are starting to use AI as a recruitment tool and/or to vet applicant resumes, includeing Amazon
"The coded gaze reflects the priorities, preferences and prejudices of those who have the power to shape technology" — Joy Buolamwini
"Scores like this — known as risk assessments — are increasingly common in courtrooms across the nation. They are used to inform decisions about who can be set free at every stage of the criminal justice system, from assigning bond amounts — as is the case in Fort Lauderdale — to even more fundamental decisions about defendants’ freedom. In Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin, the results of such assessments are given to judges during criminal sentencing."
— propublica
"there's not one final outcome of AI, there's a distribution of all possible outcomes. We're in a position right now where we can effect whether it evolves positively, in ways that help people, or in ways that overlook people, in ways that amplify human biases."
— Margret Mitchell
While programs like Runway can be used to generate finished works or assets, AI could also be a brainstorming or collaboration tool, less the product and more part of the process. If you're a writer try playing with Open AI's GPT-2 model, or check out this experimental collaborative drawing tool by Andy Matuschak.
Other AI Art Projects
- Stealing Ur Feelings by Noah Levenson
- Imaginary Soundscapes by Qosmo
- Scribbling Speech by Xinyue Yang
- Sound-Controlled Intergalactic Teddy by Stoj
- For image data sets check out COCO , Columbia University Image Library , Visual Genome , UMAS's labeled faces , Stanford's Dogs Dataset , Indoor Scene Recognition , MIT's LabelMe , ImageNet and XView
- For sentiment data chec kout Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset , Large Movie Review Dataset , Stanford's Sentiment Analysis , Sentiment 140 , Stanford's Dogs Dataset and Twitter US Airline Sentiment
- For natural language (ie. text) data check out HotspotQA Dataset , Enron Emails Dataset , Amazon Reviews , Google Books Ngrams , Blogger Corpus , Wikipedia Links data , Gutenberg eBooks List , Hansards text chunks of Canadian Parliament , Jeopardy , Rotten Tomatoes Reviews , SMS Spam Collection in English , Yelp Reviews and UCI’s Spambase
- For government data check out data.gov and datausa.io
- For clinical data check out MIMIC
- For financial data check out imf.org , Financial Times and Quandl
- And to find all sorts of other datasets check out these search tools: Google Data Search , Kaggle , UCI Search , VisualData and CMU's Search
To train your own models and use them in P5.js (Processing) check out Google's teachable machine tools and the ml5.js library.